Abydos North Cemetery Excavations   • Covers a 50-hectare (50,000 sq. m.) area of the primary necropolis of ancient Abydos  • Originally defined as sacred royal space by the funerary temples and subsidiary tombs of the kings of Dynasties 1 and 2  •
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  Abydos North Cemetery Excavations   • Covers a 50-hectare (50,000 sq. m.) area of the primary necropolis of ancient Abydos  • Originally defined as sacred royal space by the funerary temples and subsidiary tombs of the kings of Dynasties 1 and 2  •

Abydos North Cemetery Excavations

• Covers a 50-hectare (50,000 sq. m.) area of the primary necropolis of ancient Abydos

• Originally defined as sacred royal space by the funerary temples and subsidiary tombs of the kings of Dynasties 1 and 2

• Designated the “Terrace of the Great God,” beginning in the Middle Kingdom—a sacred cemetery associated with the cult of Osiris

• In continuous use as a private cemetery from the early Middle Kingdom to the end of the Ptolemaic Period, when it was transformed into a sacred landscape of early Christianity

• Long history of archaeological investigation, 1859 to present—major recent discoveries include a buried fleet of First Dynasty boat graves in 1991, and the funerary complex of King Aha in 2001

Photo (1) , Abydos Archaeology © 2003, (2) , Abydos Archaeology © 2019

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